ADVENT / Pastor Sam Croghan
Dec. 26, 2021: What is God's Gift Worth?
Dec. 19, 2021: Peace Be With You
Dec. 12, 2021: Rejoice in the Lord Always
GREAT ONE-LINERS (True or False) / Pastor Sam Croghan
Nov. 28, 2021: I Don't Have To Go To Church To Be A Christian
Nov. 21, 2021: Only God Can Judge Me
Nov. 14, 2021: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Nov. 7, 2021: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
A STRANGER & SOJOURNER / Pastor Sam Croghan
Oct. 31, 2021: Stranger & Sojourner (Pt. 4)
Oct. 24, 2021: Stranger & Sojourner (Pt. 3)
Oct. 17, 2021: Stranger & Sojourner (Pt. 2)
Oct. 10, 2021: Stranger & Sojourner (Pt. 1)
Oct. 3, 2021: Flesh or Spirit - Which Shall it Be?
Sep. 26, 2021: Living in Spiritual Victory
Sep. 19, 2021: I Love My Church
Sep. 12, 2021: Responding Correctly When Faced with Trials
Aug. 22, 2021: Discerning of Spirits
Aug. 15, 2021: Gift of Prophecy
Jul. 25, 2021: Gift of Miracles
Jul. 18, 2021: Gift of Healing
Jul. 11, 2021: Spirit of Adoption / Pastor Brian Eitelmann
Jun. 27, 2021: Gift (Message) of Special Knowledge
WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? / Pastor Sam Croghan
Jun. 13, 2021: Outpouring of the Sprit in the Church
Jun. 6, 2021: Work of the Spirit in the Church (Pt. 2)
May 30, 2021: Work of the Spirit in the Church
May 23, 2021: The Seal of the Holy Spirit
May 16, 2021: The Work of the Spirit in the End Times
May 9, 2021: The Work of the Spirit in the World
May 2, 2021: Should I Pray to the Holy Spirit?
Apr. 25, 2021: The Holy Spirit and the Word of God
Apr. 18, 2021: The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Apr. 10, 2021: The Conforming Work of the Holy Spirit
Apr. 4, 2021: The Same Power (Pastor Brian Eitelmann)
Mar. 28, 2021: Power of the Spirit in the Life of the Believer
Mar. 21, 2021: Role of the Spirit in the Believer
Mar. 14, 2021: The Personhood and Deity of the Holy Spirit
Mar. 7, 2021: Who Is The Holy Spirit? (Intro)
YOUR LIFE IS LIKE A VAPOR / Pastor Sam Croghan
Feb. 28, 2021: Death Is Precious
Feb. 21, 2021: Death of the Soul
Feb. 14, 2021: That's the Facts, Jack! (Pt. 2)
Feb. 7, 2021: That's the Facts, Jack! (Pt. 1)
FAMILY / Pastor Sam Croghan
Jan. 31, 2021: We Are Heirs (Pt. 5)
Jan. 24, 2021: If Children, Heirs Also (Pt. 4)
Jan. 17, 2021: Family Matters (Pt. 3)
Jan. 10, 2021: Adoption by Faith (Pt. 2)
Jan. 3, 2021: We Are Family (Pt. 1)
FAMILY MATTERS / Pastor Chris St. Jean
Dec. 22, 2021: They Marveled and Mary Pondered
Dec. 15, 2021: Family Under Fire (Pastor Sam)
Dec. 1, 2021: Love Is Long-Suffering
Nov. 24, 2021: Add Worship to Thanksgiving (Pastor Sam)
Nov. 10, 2021: Truth That Transforms
Oct. 13, 2021: Prosecutor or Defender
Aug. 18, 2021: Attributes of Noah
Aug. 4, 2021: Building A Family Legacy
Jul. 14, 2021: Encounter with the Savior
Jul. 7, 2021: Winning and Influencing Family and Friends
Jun. 30, 2021: Instruction for Dads
Jun. 23, 2021: Priority in Parenting
Jun. 16, 2021: Train-Up A Child
May 12, 2021: God Knows How To Rescue
Apr. 28, 2021: The Way of Escape
Apr. 21, 2021: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Apr. 14, 2021: Guard Your Mind
Apr. 7, 2021: Choosing Your Friends Wisely
Mar. 31, 2021: Stinkin' Thinkin'
Mar. 3, 2021: Sin Desires to Consume You
Feb. 24, 2021: If God Exists, Why Is There So Much Evil?
Feb. 17, 2021: Forbidden Desire
Feb. 10, 2021: Deceived
Feb. 3, 2021: You Were Right There...
Jan. 27, 2021: Leave, Cleave, and Become One (Pt. 3)
Jan. 20, 2021: Leave, Cleave, and Become One (Pt. 2)
Jan 13, 2021: Leave, Cleave, and Become One (Pt. 1)
Jan. 6, 2021: God Said It Was Very Good
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